Top Rated Office Carpet Cleaning Service in Dubai

Best office carpet cleaning solution in Dubai

Yearly, business owners, spend hundreds of thousands of dirhams on fitting, retrofitting and designing their offices and workspace to have a positive impact on their customers and attract many more.

How many times has any of us visited a reputable company or organisation and his impression has been dramatically impacted by the status of cleanliness and hygiene of their offices?

In fact, along with the excellent design and the use of high-end office furniture good cleaning and constant maintenance is very much needed to keep a fresh professional look in a working environment such as an office. This does not only affect your customer’s first impression but also affects the working conditions for employees who in turn appreciate working in a hygienic clean and fresh space.

From the overall cleaning strategy, office carpets come as no exception in this process constant maintenance is needed for such a big piece of decoration in an office. This maintenance can take place under a different scheduling system to maintain the carpet and make sure it is always clean and free of allergens and lasts longer avoiding extra spending in replacing/ repairing or adjusting carpet tiles here and there, which results in most of the time a non-uniformity of the colours in the overall apparency of office premises, hotel rooms and corridors and more spaces fitted with these types of carpets.

Office and Hotels Stain Types

Five (5) Main Stains Are Present in Fixed-fitted Floor Carpets:

Type 1 – Beverage Stain

Office main beverage stains are always coffee or tea stains, due to the consumption of it in an office daily and the likely occurrence of these stains due to accidental spillage.

Type 2 – Ink Stains

A nightmare for offices, usually found around the machine paper printing area but not excluding other areas in the office as well, usually in the form of patches and trail drips that are hard to remove with common cleaning products.

Type 3 – Grease/Oil Stains

Commonly found in pantries or office kitchens, this type of stain is inevitable in these areas, and staff having lunch in a rush trying to go back to their desks as soon as possible to resume work, those stains if left for a long period, they tend to expand in the carpet and get darker per the day.

Type 4 – Make-up Stains

Make-up stains remain one of the most common stains found in an office, it has a greasy colourful stain, hard to remove and with a permanent staining property.

Type 5 – Mud/Soil Stains

With hundreds of feet marching through the office every day, bringing in all sorts of soil and dirt from outside, all these sandy small particles overtime get collected and sit on the carpet forming a muddy texture every time the carpet comes in contact with any moisture, this forms a patch like a stain of different sizes, pattern and colour.

Steps Involved for Office Carpet Cleaning

Office carpet cleaning involves many steps during cleaning to achieve the best results. They are divided into eight (8) steps that are in turn subdivided into many other steps as the process goes:

STEP 1: Per-works Inspection

This is very important in the cleaning process, as it sets the process needed, requirements, products and machines to be used to get the best final results.
Our technicians will visit the site, inspect the carpets, evaluate the right needed cleaning process and the particular product that is required for the works, identify the stains and list the right stain removers to be used, our technician may be required to take some photos of these stains and marks with the customer’s approval, for the records to give a full brief and idea about the works to the cleaning team that will be assigned to conduct the works.

STEP 2: Furniture Moving

If required and possible, this step involves moving furniture out of the cleaning area to deep clean under the spaces where they were sitting, to avoid damaging this furniture. Furniture that has been sitting there for a prolonged period may leave marks and discolourations and even very hard stains such as rust or colour browning.

STEP 3: Vacuuming

Another crucial step to cleaning office carpets is deep vacuuming, this takes place using powerful three-motor vacuum cleaners to shake and remove trapped soil and dirt within the carpet.

STEP 4: Pre-spraying

A pre-sparing is required with a pre-conditioning solution to loosen the dirt emulsify the carpet pile and break down the soil in heavy traffic areas.

STEP 5: Agitation

This takes place using a rotary disc cleaning machine, a special brush will be used depending on the carpet type, pile and dirt. This step will agitate the carpet shake all soil and dirt trapped within the carpet and bring it to the surface to be extracted and finally removed.

STEP 6: Soil/Dirt Extraction and Rinse

In this step, soil and dirt are extracted and removed out and away, the carpet is then rinsed from any residual soil/dirt or/and cleaning lotion and carpet shampoo.

STEP 7: Post Spotting

This takes place after carpet cleaning is completed to make sure that all spots and stains have been removed and neutralised once and for all, as some stains may still re-appear and re-surface.

STEP 8: Speed-drying

Once all cleaning process is completed, high-speed air-blowers are applied and positioned in specific locations in the cleaned area, to make sure the carpet dries up evenly and effectively, this would avoid poor drying and leaving wet areas behind which may result in the arising of bad odours and fungus.

STEP 9: Post Cleaning Inspection

Our carpet cleaning professional will run a post-cleaning inspection as needed to make sure the cleaning that has taken place has been achieved at the customer’s level of expectation.

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